Thursday, May 13, 2010

Time for Some Humble Roots

At long last, my responsibilities for the semester are winding down and I have time to write again. Sure I have a ton of grading to do, but my attempt to go back to villainous writing will certainly be more apparent. I hope to have a review for both The Boys Volumes 5 & 6 up in the next few days, along with some photos of recent miniature acquisitions.

For now, I leave you with a small observation and an awesome Youtube video. To deal with the stress lately, I have dusted off some old Atari games that I have playing online to curb my desire for super villainy. I must say that in the video game department, I was always a late bloomer, as family finances and country living did not always allow for easily upgradeable systems. So Atari 2600, and briefly 7800, were the staples at our home for quite awhile, so I migrate back when I want some mindless, unending fun. While the graphics are terrible and certain games leave a bad taste in your mouth (fuck you E.T.), they will always hold a place in my heart.

Which is why this video made my day...

Stay tuned for more...