Thursday, May 20, 2010

Lost, But Not Forgotten...

It has been awhile since I have posted, but that is mainly due to post-semester depression and reorientation for the summer months. I have a few updates and a preview of my new Friday segment, "Game Nostalgia Fridays."

I spent most of Tuesday and Wednesday wrapping up a little post-semester business, but my primary engagement was...Warhammer 40k. The roomie took me out to watch his epic game with two other friends and I spent the better part of eight hours witnessing the carnage and bloodshed. This experiment was mostly designed to see if I really wanted to assemble my own army in the fall, and the answer is.................Plague Marines!!!! Yes, I will yet again put disposable income into a hobby that I will likely drop again in the future. On the bright side, once the minis get painted, I can always display the nicer ones.

Summer gaming is adrift in a sea of uncertainty, as I don't know what the plans are at this point. Hopefully, Exalted will start up again, which I hope to discuss in blog entries, pursuant to GM's permission. If that doesn't pan out, I have supers on the brain, so I can probably pull a group together and start running M&M.

Tomorrow: Game Nostalgia Friday
Tomorrow will mark the first entry in a series of discussion about console, computer, tabletop, and other gaming. Brace yourself for my endless ramblings about my experiences and advice for those seeking or considering these games.

Tomorrow's game shall be........................Persona PSP

See you then.

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