Saturday, August 7, 2010

Console Sprite Stays Home, Part III - ZOMG Zombies!!!

Today, to whet my geek palate, I wondered up to the FLGS during what turned out to be one of the most enjoyable days of late summer. 80* temperatures and slight northern winds made for one helluva nice walk uptown. Self-restraint was the name of the game today though, and simply to spite every bone in my body, I walked out with nothing more than a bottle of water, as the walk back to campus would be a bit long and the concrete was starting to warm just a bit. Work ensued, and the day turned out to be fairly productive, with only a few primary responsibilities remaining until the big event next Wednesday.

Upon arriving home, I spent much of the evening moving my boardgames out to the dining room in order to make them more accessible to play in the coming weeks. However, after some prodding and pleading, I finally convinced Kitsuki-sama to play a game this evening too. What was on the menu? Why, Last Night on Earth, an intriguing entry into the zombie apocalypse genre, albeit much more enjoyable than traditional zombies. The scenario involved saving the townspeople from their gruesome fate, and being the Zombie Player, I threw as much as I could muster at Kitsuki-sama, who was catapulting his four heroes (four heroes has become quite an iconic number) against the hordes of zombies. However, luck was not on my side, and I was unable to defeat him. I would have snapped a couple of pictures, but the game was impeding our attempt to eat, so to speed things along, we quickly cleaned up the table to dig into some delicious pizza.

While not the most exciting of evenings, the trend in board gaming is coming along nicely, although I am dreadfully afraid that the return of Tito will push the compass back toward 40K. We shall see...

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